Islands in transition; a quarter century of planning and economic development in the State of Hawaii, 1960-1985

Posted on Mar 8, 2014 in

Islands in transition; a quarter century of planning and economic development in the State of Hawaii, 1960-1985

“The Department of Planning and Economic Development has been directly involved in many of the fundamental issues and programs affecting the economy of our State and the quality of life of our people. The Department has grown over the years, and its tasks have increased in complexity. To a considerable extent, the life and times of our State have been reflected in the life and times of the Department of Planning and Economic Development.

This informal history of the Department will give department employees and the general public a greater awareness of the issues and programs of the past, their continuity with the present, and their implications for the future. It will serve as a benchmark, a reference point, as the Department continues to strive to fulfill the goals and aspirations of the people of Hawaii. It will also help us to remember the dedication and excellent work of those who went before us, and laid the foundations for the opportunities we enjoy today.”