Federal Consistency

The national Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), Section 307, requires federal agency activities and development projects affecting any coastal use or resource to be undertaken in a manner consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the state’s CZM program. Also, activities requiring a federal permit or license, and activities conducted with federal financial assistance, that affect coastal uses and resources (see below: Hawaii List of Federal Permits and Financial Assistance) must be conducted in a manner consistent with the state’s CZM program. The CZMA federal consistency provision ensures that federal agencies cannot act without regard for, or in conflict with, state policies that have been officially incorporated into a state’s CZM program. Federal actions affecting any coastal use or resource must be reviewed by the state CZM program to ensure that proposed activities are consistent with state enforceable policies. The federal consistency procedures and requirements are established in the Code of Federal Regulations, 15 CFR 930.

Federal Consistency Forms

Important instructions and required information for completing an application for CZM federal consistency review, and the federal consistency application and assessment forms, are available below. The forms are fillable on Adobe Acrobat. Please complete the forms, then print, sign, and submit them to the Hawaii CZM Program along with the required information. If you prefer, print the forms first and complete them manually. For assistance, see the contact information below.

2025 Hawaii’s CZM Program Changes Request


Detailed information regarding filing requirements for a CZM federal consistency approval and applicable forms are available. Contact Debra Mendes at 808-587-2840 or [email protected] for more information.