Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Plan (CELCP)

 ABOUT Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Plans are intended to be concise documents that guide state participation in the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program. In keeping with program guidelines developed by NOAA and its Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, the Hawaii Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Plan will provide the following:

  • a description of the geographic extent of coastal and estuarine areas within the State of Hawai’i that are eligible to participate in the program;
  • a description of the types of lands or values to be protected through the program and the need for conservation through acquisition;
  • a description of associated plans or strategies that can be incorporated into the state plan;
  • a list of government agencies or private groups eligible to hold title to property acquired under the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program; and
  • a description of public consultation and inter-agency coordination activities associated with the preparation of the state plan.

The Hawaii plan provides a framework for identifying coastal and estuarine land conservation priorities, and defines the state process for evaluating project proposals that the Hawai’i Coastal Zone Management Program will forward to the national funding competition administered by NOAA.

The draft plan has been reviewed by NOAA and has undergone some revisions based on their feedback. The plan was available for the month of May 2014 for public review. Thank you to all who took the time to submit comments on the Hawaii CELC Plan in May. These comments were reviewed and the Hawaii CELC Plan was submitted to NOAA for final approval in July 2014. In September 2014, the Hawaii CELC Plan was approved by NOAA.

The fully approved Hawaii State CELC Plan is posted as a PDF here

Na Pali Coast, Kauai

ADVISORY COMMITTEE (2005-2006) A Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Planning Advisory Group was created to provide input during the preparation of a Hawai`i Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Plan. The Advisory Group consists of representatives from the four counties, state government, local land conservation groups, and a respected Native Hawaiian Practitioner.

Name Affiliation
Art Challacombe City and County of Honolulu Planning
Alice Kuwaha Hawai`i County Planning
Dave Caylor Kauai County Planning
Thorn Abbott Maui County Planning
Name    Affiliation
Scott Derrickson Office of Planning
Doug Tom Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program
Sam Lemmo Department of Land and Natural Resources
Dolan Eversole University of Hawaii Sea Grant Program
Name    Affiliation
Josh Stanbro Trust for Public Land
Gary Blaich Kauai Public Land Trust
Dale Bonar Maui Coastal Land Trust
Hannah Springer Native Practitioner