Ocean Resources Management Plan Dashboard
The Ocean Resources Management Plan (ORMP) is a comprehensive plan mandated by Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapters 205A and 225M-2. The plan seeks to connect land and sea, preserve ocean heritage, and promote collaboration and stewardship.
The ORMP calls for the creation of a state performance measures website. The ORMP Dashboard seeks to fulfill this mandate by tracking the progress of implementing actions and achieving goals set forth in the plan.
The ORMP Dashboard was created per public request during the 2013 ORMP update as a means to track agency progress towards ORMP implementation. The Dashboard is currently under construction due to a shift to a new platform and will reflect the contents from the 2020 ORMP.
To explore a brief history of the ORMP, see the ORMP Timeline. For more information on the ORMP, visit the Hawaii Office of Planning and Sustainable Development (OPSD) Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Ocean Resources Management Plan webpage.
*Please note, the Hawaii Office of Planning does not necessarily verify, endorse, or agree with statements or opinions presented on the ORMP Dashboard.