2000 Census Thematic Maps
Japanese Population (Race Alone or in Combination) (499 KB)
Filipino Population (Race Alone or in Combination) (497 KB)
Native Hawaiian Population (Race Alone or in Combination) (500 KB)
Chinese Population (Race Alone or in Combination) (495 KB)
Korean Population (Race Alone or in Combination) (495 KB)
Samoan Population (Race Alone or in Combination) (497 KB)
Vietnamese Population (Race Alone or in Combination) (496 KB)
Civilian Population by Census Tracts (495 KB)
Median Family Income in 1999 by Census Tracts (1.4 MB)
Median Household Income in 1999 by Census Tracts (1.3 MB)
Median Per Capita Income in 1999 by Census Tracts (1.4 MB)
Percent of Families Below Poverty Level by Census Tracts (Based on Income in 1999) (1.4 MB)
Percent of Persons Below Poverty Level by Census Tracts (Based on Income in 1999) (1.4 MB)
Percent of Persons with Professional / Managerial Occupations by Census Tracts (1.3 MB)
Percent of Persons with Bachelor’s Degree by Census Tracts (1.4 MB)
Percent of High School Graduates by Census Tracts (1.3 MB)
Population by Census Blocks (1.3 MB)
Population by Census Tracts (1.3 MB)
Unemployment in the Civilian Labor Force by Census Tracts (1.4 MB)