CNPCP Water Quality References Directory
The CZM Water Quality References Directory is an EndNote Plus bibliographic reference database covering the main Hawaiian Islands for the period 1998-2000. The database includes:
- Studies, technical reports (including field surveys and site-specific observations), published papers
- Fresh water, brackish, or hyperhaline environments (including fishponds and anchialine features), coastal waters
The database is searchable by date, author, title, company or institution, client, and library as well as location, type of technical report (EIS or permit, for example), and by keywords (such as sulphate or turbidity).
Click here for the Water Quality References Directory
For more information, see the “Introduction” online using the link or contact the project manager, Rebecka Arbin, at the Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program (HCZMP). The printed version of the data base is available at local libraries and from HCZMP as a word file, and as a series of Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files available through the link.