Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the following questions can be found here:
- If a NERR site is designated in Hawaii, will there be restrictions to the cultural, recreational or commercial activities that occur in the area?
- Does the NERR designation mean that new Federal regulations are imposed?
- How were the boundaries determined for the NERR proposal?
- Can the boundaries for the NERR be changed, and how?
- Why has the proposed boundary for the NERR changed?
- Why does the proposed NERR include coral reefs and a portion of Kaneohe Bay?
- Are commercial fishing interests included in the planning process? Is the fishing community being included in the development of the management plan?
- Who are the partners involved in the project, and can new partners be added?
- Where is the money coming from to fund this project?
- What State agency will be the management partner and implementing agency for the Heeia NERR?
Answers to the following questions can be found here:
- What is an Estuary?
- What is NERRS?
- What is the legal authority that enables and regulates the NERR program?
- If a NERR site is designated in Hawaii, will there be restrictions to the cultural, recreational or commercial activities that occur in the area?
- Does the NERRS designation mean that new Federal regulations are imposed?
- Why should Hawaii participate in the National Estuarine Research Reserve System?
- What is the process for designating a NERRS site in Hawaii?