State TOD Planning Grants

Since 2016, OPSD has received CIP appropriations from the State Legislature for State TOD CIP planning grants to State and County agencies.  The TOD planning grants are used for plans, feasibility and cost studies, and coordination of TOD projects, TOD public infrastructure requirements, and related environmental review documents for TOD projects in the State TOD Strategic Plan.  The awards are intended to:

  • Facilitate project alignment with shared TOD goals and objectives;
  • Foster State-County consultation, coordination, and collaboration on TOD projects; and
  • Catalyze TOD projects that require interagency collaboration, facility co-location, or require new approaches to creating vibrant, transit-centered TOD communities with affordable housing, job and business opportunities, multi-modal transportation choices, and access to goods and services within walking and wheeling distance to transit hubs.

State and County CIP Planning Grant Recipients (February 2024)

FY25 TOD CIP Planning Grant Request for Proposals

The Office of Planning & Sustainable Development (OPSD) is soliciting proposals from State and County agencies for funding of planning activities for TOD projects in the State Strategic Plan for Transit-Oriented Development (State TOD Strategic Plan).  Act 164, Session Laws of Hawaiʻi 2023 appropriated $2 million in CIP planning funds for Fiscal Year 2024 to OPSD for TOD CIP Planning grants.  OPSD has $1 million from the appropriation for this year’s grant awards.

Funds to be awarded are to be used for pre‐planning, master planning, and infrastructure assessment work that facilitates coordinated and collaborative design and implementation of TOD projects identified in the State TOD Strategic Plan, as amended, preferably on State lands in TOD areas in the Plan.  Attached is the Request for Proposals package and a list of TOD projects approved by the TOD Council for inclusion in the State Strategic Plan.  Proposal and Project Fact Sheet templates are attached below.

Project funding requests are to be in the range of $100,000 to $500,000.  As funds are limited, awards may be less than the amount requested; therefore, applications should provide a scaled funding request.  The FY24 funds lapse June 30, 2026.  State awardees will need to have award funds delegated and encumbered under a contract by that date and OPSD and County awardees must have executed contracts before that date.

Project proposals must be submitted via email to [email protected], by 4:30 p.m., Friday, August 23, 2024.  Please refer to the RFP for more information on the FY25 funding opportunity, funding objectives, proposal content and submittal, evaluative criteria, and overall schedule for fund award and deployment.

All prospective applicants were asked to participate in virtual pre-application State-County interagency informational meetings.  The aim of the informational meetings was to promote early interjurisdictional and interagency collaboration on potential TOD projects to be proposed for funding.  Proposals vetted in these meetings that include shared TOD objectives and State-County collaboration will be given first consideration in the proposal review process.  The agendas and slide presentations are posted below:



